Sunday, January 16, 2011


The word Banjara is a deprecated, colloquial form of the word of Sanskrit origin. The sanskit bi-word Vana chara transliterated as "Forest wanderers", presumably because of their primitive role in the Indian society as forest wood collectors and distributors.
The Banjara are a class of usually ascribed as nomadic people from the Indian state of Rajasthan, North-West Gujarat, and Western Madhya Pradesh and Eastern Sindh province of pre-independence Pakistan. They claim to belong to the clan of Agnivanshi Rajputs, and are also known as Banjari, Pindari, Bangala, Banjori, Banjuri, Brinjari, Lamani, Lamadi, Lambani, Labhani, Lambara, Lavani, Lemadi, Lumadale, Labhani Muka, Goola, Gurmarti, Gormati, Kora, Sugali, Sukali, Tanda, Vanjari, Vanzara,and Wanji Together with the Domba, they are sometimes called the "Gypsies of India".


The Banjara have spread to Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and other states of India. About half their number speak Lambadi, one of the Rajasthani dialects, while others are native speakers of Hindi, Telugu and other languages dominant in their respective areas of settlement. Rathore, Parmar, Pawar, Chauhan, castes belong to Vanjara community in Rajasthan and Gujarat now are in General Seats after the communal rights taken place in Rajasthan for Reservation in 2008 as they were landlords in Amarkot, Fathaykot and Sialkot before Partition of India and Pakistan. They are an ST in Andhra Pradesh (where they are listed as Sugali), Orissa, Karnataka (SC), Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh.

Culture in Andhra Pradesh
In Andhra Pradesh, Lambadas in the Telangana region were only recently recognised as Schduled Tribes; earlier we were recognised as Denotified Tribes. Lambadas are of North-west Indian origin, who lived primarily by Our earnings from transportation on the pack bullocks. There is evidence to show that we supplied food grains etc. to the Moghuls when we invaded the Deccan. However, there is some dispute about the nature of Our Moghul connection. Whether we accompanied the Moghuls as an ordinance corps in the conquest of the Deccan, and some of them later stayed back to continue trade, or whether we were already present as traders, having come in an earlier period, and assisted the Moghuls when the latter came South.
Women, Lambadi / Gor women (Thandri) wear a very colourful red style dress and lots of jewellery. The clothes we wear are decorated with pieces of mirror and cowl. we wear ivory bangles and ornaments, which are innumerable. The dance performed by Lambadis is more a rhythm based one. But when performed to the beat of the drums, it gains momentum.
Dance, Lambadi is a special kind of dance of Andhra Pradesh. In this form of dance, mainly the female dancers dance in tune with the male drummers to offer homage to Our Lord for a good harvest. At Anupu Village near Nagarjunakonda, Lambadi dance originated. we are actually semi-nomadic tribes who are gradually moving towards civilization and decency. This dance is mainly restricted among the females and rarely the males participate in Lambadi Dance. Lambadi is a special kind of Folk Dance which involves participation by tribal women who bedeck themselves in colorful costumes and jewelry.


The traditional food of Lambadis is Bati which is Roti. Daliya is a dish cooked using many cereal (wheat, jawar). Banjara people are very much fascinated about non-vegetarian food. Saloi (made from goat blood and other parts of goat) is a non-vegetarian dish made exclusively by Banjara people. They prefer eating spicy food.


Women are known to wear colorful and beautiful costumes like phetiya (as ghagra) and kanchalli (as top) and have tattoos on their hands. The dress is considered fancy and attractive by Western cultures. They use mirror chips and often coins to decorate it. Women put on thick bangles on their arms (patli). Their ornaments are made up of silver rings, coins, chain and hair pleats are tied together at the end by chotla.
Men wear Dhoti and Kurta (short with many folds). These clothes were designed specially for the protection from harsh climate in deserts and to distinguish them from others.

Arts, literature and entertainment

Their customs, language and dress indicate they originated from Rajasthan. They live in settlements called thandas. They lived in zupada (hut). Now many of them live in cities. They have a unique culture and dance form. On many occasions they gather, sing and dance.
Their traditional occupation is agriculture and trade. Banjaras are also a group of nomadic cattle herders.
The accurate history of Lambanis or Lambadis or Banjaras is not known but the general opinion among them is that they fought for Prithvi Raj against Muhammad of Ghor. The trail of the Lambadi/Banjara can be verified from their language, Lambadi borrows words from Rajasthani, Gujarati, Marathi and the local language of the area they belong to.
Banjaras originally belong to Rajasthan and they were Rajputs who migrated to southern parts of India for trade and agriculture. They settled down in the southern or central area of the country and slowly loosened contacts with Rajasthan, and their original community. Over a period of time both the communities separated and they adopted the local culture. The language spoken by Banjaras settled in Yavatmal district of Vidarbha, Maharashtra is an admixture of Hindi, Rajasthani and Marathi. The word "Banjara" must have evolved from Prakrit and Hindi and Rajasthani words "Bana/Ban or Vana/Van" meaning Forest or Moorlands and "Chara" meaning 'Movers'. The Banjara are (together with the Domba) sometimes called the "Gypsies of India".
Lambadi Dance is a special kind of dance of Andhra Pradesh. In this form of dance, mainly the female dancers dance in tune with the male drummers to offer homage to their Lord for a good harvest. At Anupu village near Nagarjunakonda, Lambadi dance originated. They are actually semi-nomadic tribes who are gradually moving towards civilization. This dance is mainly restricted among the females and rarely the males participate in Lambadi dance. Lambadi is a special kind of Folk Dance which involves participation by tribal women who bedeck themselves in colorful costumes and jewelry.

Banjara Marriage Culture

The banjaras are grouped into 4 categories called gotras. The lambadi language term for gotra is Goth/Pada. The gotras are
1. Rathod/Bhukya
Under each of these gotras there are several Jaaths. People falling in the same Gotra Dont marry, they are considered brother and sister. The term for this is Bhaipana meaning brotherhood. If people fall under different gothras and can marry, the term used is Laagach means can marry. People usually have their jaath name as the surname, A detailed Jaath check of which jaath can marry which jaath and whom they fall under can be done at banjarapoint website in their jaath check / gotras check page. This was traditionally done by people called dhadi bhaats who were kind of knowledge agents/Knowledge experts.
The Rahtod/Bhukya Gotra/category has been said to have split into 2 making Banoth as a separate gotra by itself. So some people say there are 5 gotras.Turi(badawat)is also said to be an additional means there are 6 gotras can be said

Examples of Banjara Marraige Culture

Bhaipana example Ghugloth (Vadtiya) and Aajmera (Vadtiya) cannot marry as fall under same category i.e Vadtiya and they are brother and sister.
Laagacha example Ghugloth (Vadtiya) and Bhukya (Rathore) can marry as they fall under different categories, i.e Ghugloth falls under Vadtiya and Bhukya Falls under Rathore/Rathod.
here are some of the sub-caste of gotras:

Rathod/Bhukya (27)                  Chavan/Chauhan (6)
Aaloth                                          Dumaavath/Chauradiya
Bhaanaavath                                 Kayloth
Bhilavath                                       Korra
Degaavath                                     Mood
Banoth (15)
Jhandavath                                   Aadoth
Karamtoth                                    Baanoth
Khaatroth                                     Bhojaavath
Khethaavath                                 Daanaavath
Khilaavath                                    Dharmasoth 
Kumaavath                                   Jaatroth
Meghaavath                                 Karnaavath
Meraajoth                                    Kuntaavath
Meraavath                                    Lavori
Nenaavath                                    Mudavath
Paathloth                                      Paanaavath
Pithaavath                                     Rupavath
Raajavath                                     Sabdasoth
Pawar (12)
Aivath Pammar
Chaivoth Pammar
Inloth Pammar
Vadithya Jaajigiri
…there r some more which i dont know…If u knw plz send me the other sub categories of this gotra


  1. u have made an excellent collectiion

    1. Can any one tell relation between mudavath and banothu

    2. Bro eslavath and sabavath m autharu

    3. As for my knowledge banoth and mudavath were not brother hood. They can marry each other

    4. Haii my name is Vadathya janardhan naik, and Shall i marry Banavath girl....?????

    5. Iam maloth.bhavusingh
      Can i marry nenavath grl ??

  2. great work....
    but BANOTH also there...

  3. Banoth is gotra n sub-caste der under it...

    1. Can pls any one explain on what basis banoth has separated from Bhukya?,as I heard previously they were considered as brother hood.

    2. bhukya and baanoths are brothers onece upon a time but not now because banoths ware separated form bhukya, they are no more no more brothers. you can find more details online book

    3. as per my knowledge and hered from elders one there were no grooms for bukya girls, so ancestors called some bhukya guys as Banavath, hence they seperated like that.. may be or may not be true..

    4. Relation between banothu and mudavath

  4. i found something wrong
    daanavath an mudavath doesn't falls under banoth
    as i am from nalgond ,Andhra pradesh i have seen they marry

    1. u saw that surname marriage plz immediately stop ...they are brother hood. daanavath and banoth brothers. banoth is main surname of daanavath., danavath is just pade.,no is the direct surname is banoth, me also sabdasoth but wrote main gotra banoth plz save our community & culture

    2. What is the relation between Banoth and karamtoth bhukya?

    3. Ramavath karamtoth brother na bro

  5. GREAT WORK .........

  6. very nice and great collection. Keep it up.

  7. Thanks i didnt know about history of our previous life style and our ancester am very happy to read it thanks for providing such a information

  8. Thank you madhu...for collecting all this information ..and sharaing with us..!!

    can any one tell me that what is gotram for mood..because supoose we wnt temple ,the poojari is asking for gotram..? at the time of archana..!!
    so what would be the correct gotram...?

  9. can you kindly send me the address peoples where living in rajasthan.

  10. how can i learn lambadi language,please help me my girl speaks lambadi,i want to suprise her pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

    1. Bro if you get one tell me also na, even I wanna learn it for my guy ��

  11. excellent work Madhu!
    How can i reach you to ask permission to use some of the information
    from your blog?

  12. hi sir i have one doubt i belongs to mood (chavan) could i marry to mudavath....

    1. no it Belongs to ur Same Cast....

  13. Thanks for the history . l read in wiki that, some of us are originally from Afghanistan itseems..Is that true??

    1. Thank you very much.. As i said banajara are "gypsies of India" origin may not be Afgan.

  14. thanks for the great job...but actually in the sub group of chavan, chaudaria is also called as laudiya...and really thanks for the great collection... @Sridhar naik keluth chavan.

  15. I put rathod instead of naik in my son name,is there any problem in future for getting caste certificate. Actually my name is bukya jagadeesh naik I change my son name as bukya gunashish rathod.

    1. Believe me, I never had an issue with my surname. In fact Rathod gives us a uniqueness.

  16. Dr Banoth Nehru Rathod MDNovember 25, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    hello jagadeesh you have done a good job that you have named your son as bhukya gunashish rathod.iam requesting all our gorbhais to suffix the main jath ie jadav,rathod,pamar or chouhan with their names as you did for your son to avoid confusion among our future generation .
    Dr Banoth Nehru Rathod MD TELANGANA

    1. Hello sir,as banoth not falls under rathod....hw it can be written as above?

    2. sir... rathod aint ur family name.. it would be something else . only bhukya should use that

  17. biothirupal@gmail.comMarch 11, 2015 at 9:38 AM

    You done very good job.i need some more information about festivals, marriage
    and who is father of god

  18. Ram-rami

    thanks for the goodinformation..

  19. Banoth vs mudavath?kethavath vs nenavath? If first one is happening y not the second,?pls recorrect the information..

  20. Y can't be this changed?each and every jath should be considered a separate gotra,as every thing is being changed from 18th century to 21st century. Now a days people don't bother about his own brother ,but talks about the brother hood of ancient days...

    1. Hi.. Plz contact me on 7075850567, I have a problem with dz gotta. Or give ur num I will be contacting u..

    2. If people really get loved then this gotta won't be a problem at all.. Gotta most of people married in the same style way you said..

    3. Hi
      I am Rathod n I fell in love with guy who is also Rathod
      I want to marry him at any cost
      So,I just wanna know is it crime if I marry with same surname boy ??
      We will get punishment???��

    4. if u want to marry whom u have confidence and makes u happy for rest of life convince ur parents and get married no one knows who u r in this society and this is a age old practice in one or two decades children dont even know this gotra and jaath marry whom u love and stay happy rather than marring some unknown guy and ruin ur life explain ur parents properly

    5. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

    6. I am a Rathod. I fell in love with a beautiful girl whose surname was Naik, but I didn't knew she was under Rathod gotra. Even initially I dint bothered about gotra. Since she was a banjara I proposed her, she accepted me. But after 2 yrs of relationship she realized that it can't happen. So we broke up. I wish I/she was not born in Rathod or entirely in Banjara caste. Felt guilty. All I cared about her. But due to society's fear and our parents respect, we finally broke up. This community has gave me nothing but a way to leave your loved ones for fucking gotras. I really felt bad for being borned in this Banjara samaj. I don't totally hate Banjara caste, but it took away (killed) my first love forever. We are victims of this bloody caste system.

  21. Hi...madhu i m raj i m suffaring with a problem.just i belive u can salve this.the problem is bhukya and kethavath are possible to marri? I want to know answer plz send me answer to my mail.

    1. Since you both if the guys fall under same category you people can't marry.. But I have seen a lot people in Andhrapradesh and telangna who will get married even they are in same category But at the same time they should be Bava Maradalu.

    2. I HV seen most of the people of category Bhukya r suffering vd the same prblm,there should be a solution as said above.and people has to be changed accordingly.

    3. I HV seen most of the people of category Bhukya r suffering vd the same prblm,there should be a solution as said above.and people has to be changed accordingly.

    4. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

  22. what is difference between Bhaanaavath and banoth

  23. all wover india some gore jathash sharavath rathanvath rudavath devath bhanavath soganavath dholangar dadi banjara sanara banjara navi banjara

  24. iam not getting what your telling

  25. dear sir / madam

    i want learn this language with the help of my mother tongue Telugu plz guide me how to learn.if is there any book for this quarry plz inform me

    thanking you

    1. Can you mention once which language you want to learn

  26. hello every one m a muslim and i want to get converted to banjara hindu dharam plz help me wid it..soon as email id is

  27. Very good collection about our jaath. Ian nenavath krishna Naik

    1. hello brother my name is too same as U(Nenavath Krishna Naik).........I have a small doubt can we nenavath can marry bhukya's??

  28. Very good collection about our jaath. Ian nenavath krishna Naik

  29. Its not lokaavath, it's lakavath

  30. sir madhu plz help me can a boy and girl of same sub caste tat is pawar can they marry n actually these families dont know each other since 3 generations as u mentioned above in text so can they get married sir................

    1. They can't marry see the list of main four gothras Chawan, pawar,Rathod,Vadthiya they sub castes(Goth ) .Within the same they can't marry as they are botherhood since both are Pawar. Pawar has 12 sub gothras fr ex nunsavath,Vislavath,Wankodoth, jarpla etc twele of these goths they can't marry each other.Its clear.
      Amaresh Pawar here.
      Contact me ,

    2. They cannot marry. you may go for other gotra

    3. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

  31. hai im pravalika chowhan,i have a doubt (i.e) y in all states the other caste people will see us in down..and will say that ur caste is sooo low caste nd poor caste....why all will blame banjaras in the society.... banjaras also should have some power among the castewise......feeling proud to be a banjara

    1. hmmm its because since ancient we are considered as dalits n hence till now people think same but wat i suggest is just be proud wat u r n who u r ................ don care wat people say

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dear Pravalika Chowhan.., who is say our caste is sooo low., we are (rathods, jadav, chowhans,vadithya) rajaputs ..,we are the only first person to start Business(i.e marchants)in india. we are looking very smart & very fair (white)colour,longer(tall) & our community people 95% people looking smart,and occupy may be 1st place in beauty & handsome.
      sc, st,Bc,oc is not caste that is only our socially economically status.
      in andhra pradesh Reddys -OC but they are in karnataka -BC. banjaras in AP & telangana -ST but tamilnadu, oddissa, maharastra, rajastan, Gijarath -OBC... that is not cast dear just status..., actually we migrated from other place thats way our economically back so our govt divided to that economically categories (ST,SC,OBC,OC)

    4. no no ...u totally wrong we were not dalits in society ...if u digged out our history we nomidics of rajastanis ..rajastanis who hailed as kings in india before 500 years ago unfortunatly famine days shot rajastan and people started migrating from dere to al across the asia not only to south india ...present days after 500 years we notified with different categories in dofferet states but we not forgotten our culture ...the main debris our so many people nearly 80 percent doesnt know from where we travelled here ...their thoughts like frog in wheel ...thats why they shame and feels themselves low caste .now technology education times mostly educate peole started research on our community and they got we were onceupon a time hailed in this india as a kings ,bramhanas . FINALLY WAT I WANNA SAY IS WE ARE NOT DALITS OK BROTHER ..

    5. well said @ravichandra rathod and lavakusa banavatu.. once upon a time we are kings....

    6. miss pravalika chowhan never feel low in ur society.. we are not less than others.. if some one says that we r inferior then u should show our superiority... treat them like they are untouchables.. say them that we belongs to rajputs.. feel proud to be banjaras..

  32. dear all
    May i know who is sanar banjara and their surnames

  33. Dear friend lot of people confused and they marry to very wrong. plz all of banjaras in india ..,we use only gotra(rathod, jadav, pawar, chohan...) as a our surname don't use pade (like., porika, modavath, danavath,ade...) is better for next generation purose ... so we all of the banjaras leaders in all state meet and decide and forward to a letter to our indian government to change our surname and add our surname as agotras only...for better banjara culture purpose..., this is possible ...

  34. In wich year lambadi got reservation in United a.p

  35. hi guys,
    there is any book to learn lamabadi language

  36. Hi sir I shekhar banoth naik,can u send me the pdf copy ,related to our male is

  37. Thanks for the information...
    Jai sevalal

  38. What should I reply to a person who pass racist comment on us?
    I live in Mumbai. A friend of mine once said me that u r non Marathi so u dnt belong to Maharashtra. What should I reply to him. Or should I listen to these comment whole life. As we Banjara dnt have a separet state for us.

  39. hi i am dr.praveen naik dheeravath.. belongs to banoth.. now i have a doubt weather i come under rathod or chowhan

  40. Is banoth and kethavath mary each other?and what is relation between banoth and bhukya?

  41. How does Nunavath relates to Nagavath. Plz reply....

    1. How does nenavath related to nenavath both are same or different??

  42. why Rathod n Rathod are not marry in banjara?what is the reason behind this? if u look out todays scenario there are much more ratio for whos belong to what exactly younstar looking a head if they want to marrey Rathod

    1. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

  43. You can Marry.. with modern generation nd culture we people has to be change according.. and i have seen the change coming in some areas.

  44. I want know banavath or banoth exact gotra?
    Plz help me asap

  45. hai to every banjaras. can anyone explain how this groups are formed i.e.,rathod ,jadhav,chowhan,pamaar, bhanoth

  46. i mean on what basics such as work done by them or just like that based on place they live i.e., different tanda

  47. I'm very happy to see this...But why don't mention about Ankara from stationary. Many people(we) are here with lots of struggles and difficulties.

  48. Language developed modi we are asking banjara separate state .this correct vote message

  49. Is that possible...rathod weds rathod??????

    1. Not possible. By relation they are brothers and sisters.

    2. How can you say that
      Are you educated?
      Brother and sister itseems
      Why it is not thr in other caste ?
      Why they Marry same surname people?
      Think like educated don't follow Start explore

    3. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

  50. When and where did Christianity started among Lambadi Tribe in Telangana State

  51. hi i wnt to know a girl from keloth can marry a boy from sugali(nenavath)

  52. Can nenavath marry harawath ? please reply

  53. Jarpula and mudavath can do marriage? Please give reply

  54. super bro nice discibe the st jath

  55. can marry tejavath and badavath is there any proof please attache the file and they have different gothras

  56. The information above is nothing new! its written Vague. Someone should shoot up with references and archaeological proofs. though major content in the introduction about banjaras is correct! one should come up with the archives from Indian government and the pakisthani government. Our migration, culture has no basement at least no proof's that we existed from ancient times.
    I've been to most of the places that are mentioned above not as a tourist ,ofcourse, i've spent decent time living there (3 months in Haryana, 7 months in Rajasthan, 1 odd month in Gujarat, 2 months in Western UP, frequent visitor to mumbai and pune. In the course of my stay i met people with surnames Gehloth, Ahlawath, Kitawath, Sherawath, chauhan....etc and these people are totally different and are not banjaras atleast to my knowledge. Now we must gather info about their origin, background and conclude ours. We shouldn't just move on with the inappropriate blog! (i mean with out ref's) the above information is very informative but utterly vague.

    Proper channel must be introduced to our overlooked community! people who are interested in finding ourselves lets give a try together contact me over facebook ( I'm interested lets initiate and make something better for our community in future.

  57. Can banoth and ramavath get marriage... Pls help me.. My friend going to marry a girl who belongs to ramavath and my friend belongs banoth... So pls give me ur ans as soon as possible

  58. Dear Administrator of this page,

    I am Lavudya Anand Chauhan, from Kothagudem,Telangana.Here I am going to tell you that Under Chauhan Category LAVUDYA Must comes.
    I will list out all the Jats comes under Chauhan category
    Here I am requesting you add LAVUDYA is under chauhan category.I dont know whether Doomavath is under Chauhan or not.


  59. This is Bullshit. Seriously man! You can marry brother's wife!! And not to marry same gotta girl from different state who is no where relate to you and just because of carrying a bludy surname!!!? Come on folks be open minded - let's blank out this bludy system.

    1. Yah even I feel the same
      I will support you
      I really Fed up with this surname marriage

    2. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

    3. Bro ramavath and karamtoth are relationship not relationship telme bro

  60. Hi I have fallen in love with a chavhan girl and my surname is also chavhan and we both love each other.
    What should we do know ???????

  61. Yes.. Man even am facing the same problem we both fall in same category.. from 7 years onwards am fighting with my parents nd love parents for my love..

    Dunno what gonna happen.. really i was so broken by this type of system where I can't marry my Mama's daughter..

    What a system we had. .

    1. change ur category bro its waste being born in banjara i have the same prblm and i am gng to change the category of the caste i hope this idea works

      u can marry brother wife and not the same girl
      i feel lyk it is a sin being born in this type of caste system

    2. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

  62. hi bayya mathru naik hyderabad se bath karra hu ; we fight central governament why banjaras gave not separate state . above the all problem solution .because our cast system and our language and our festivals and our politics our tv channels and our cinemas our god totally wrote the book .these are plans future not forget our sons and doughters.ok bye and all banjaras people read and write comment

  63. Hi Madhu, I have read your article and found it extremely enlightening... I found the Banjara-Lambada tribes particularly intriguing. I appreciate the way you have written this article as it has given me a lot of information to write an article of my own. Thank you so much and keep up the good work

  64. Bannoth girl will marry a vankadoth guy. Plz reply me

  65. Can Tejaavath boy and porika girl can marry...
    Plzzz replay me fast as soon as possible
    Anybody here ??
    Urgent plzzzz

  66. Mr Madhu babu garu I confused of gotra of mudavaths is it behlavath or vadtya as u mentioned above can u clarify me plzz brother

  67. Mr Madhu garu I read this article it is useful for now and future generations very good but as I discussed with my grandaph there some mistakes at my knowledge

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  69. whaa whaa what a culcutre very proud be a BANJARA ..........rajputh ,singh...... love you banjara we are from allover india

  70. Hi,
    We are Rathore (Banjara) which reservation category will we fall under??

  71. Sir, there is a Malpoth sub-caste in Rathod's pada. Please add Malpoth in Rathod's list . My email id is

    1. Malpoth Prahalad SinghOctober 27, 2017 at 11:06 PM

      Hi, I request all the members to clarify whether the MALPOTH sub caste comes under the group of RATHOD's category. Pl. help as soon as possible.

  72. Add NUNAVATH in Vaditya group..

  73. Can a girl marry to a boy who has same gotra as girls mother ....???? Kindly reply plzzzz

  74. hello, is this your original work ?

    can you please let me know your e-mail id..

    i am a fellow Banjara and i want to contact you to talk about a few things..

    thanks !

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. hi am bannoth can i marry vankdoth bo

  77. Bannoth girl can marry vankdoth guy plz reply....

  78. What is the gothram for "panugothu" surname

  79. i am in love with a girl having same surname and their parents and villagers are against it and they are pressurizing us to get seperated and am not willing to leave her and why should we follow such a age old practice now a days and we dont have any relation near by to us then whats the need to get seperated when we are truly loving each other

    1. There is a solution for this, kanyadhan of the girl belonging to same gotra should be done by others who belong to other gotra like phupa or mama so that the girls gotra is changed now. But remember guys there shouldn't be any blood relations between their two families from the past 7 generations. In this way you can solve this problem

  80. hey guys i am somya sharma i have provide best Escort service in manali .. if you are really looking for escort service in manali then just visit on kaya

  81. GORAM is a chatigery fall under pawar not in jadhav

  82. goraam is a chatigery fall in pawar not in jadhav

  83. Please tell me banothu and mudavath relation

  84. Nathawat falls under which of these four gotras Chauhan rathor pawar or vaditya

  85. A want to know all categories of baratiya as I know keshawat and mooshawat but I have not whole details of that

  86. What about Lakavath and Jatoth?

  87. nalavath/nalavathu which gotra it is?

  88. Great job. We have a great history, culture, and traditions. We all should remain as such within our Hindu religion

  89. There are any sub-subcaste of kurra (Korra /Chauhan) like naathawat and kaadawat

  90. Can bhukya katravath marry?

  91. In Gujarat lambada comes under which cast.

  92. I'm ratlavath n i want to marry ramavath guy is it possible I knew it's Nt possible but any other solution

  93. Banoth and banavathu difference....are they same..... Can they marry

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. there have been some mistakes in the gotras distribution... people who want to follow this please reconsider cross checking with you grandparents.

  96. Realition between kunsoth and lunavath

  97. Hello guys lunavath can marry kunsoth aa rely guys

  98. Can banavath ( rupavath) marry to ramavath?

  99. Iam a dhaaravath gotra boy I wanna marry a girl she belongs to the same gotra gugloth wht i should do now plzz reply me fast

  100. why some of us keep singh in their names

  101. Jai Banjara, Jai Sevalal Maharaj, Jai Lord Balaji

  102. Bro jatavath untey evarni marry cheskovochu

  103. Thongar,Mandan,bamar it comes under banjara r not


  105. Can maaloth marry kunsoth???
    Can anyone say the relation between maaloth and kunsoth

  106. But ade have only 7 paddas and aalot is ades padda nat rathod

  107. Can Ramavath (girl) and Pathloth (boy) marry each other?? Y cannot we marry ? Is there any logical reason behind this? If not if we Marty what happens and what is wrong in marrying a girl who is ramavatha and me being Pathloth reagarless of we having any close blood relations...I want a proper justified answer with a better logical reason!!!! Banjara sangh if we are like this considering we can't marry this subcaste etc etc then when will we grow up?? I really pity myself for such thing what ever is stated !!!

  108. They can marry each other if they really love each other. No restrictions. Fuck society and this Banjara culture. It's illogical. Bring a change in society. Don't just blindly following illogical rules

  109. Iam banavath Balaji can I marry jatavath girl.

  110. Is banavath boy can marry Nenavath girl!?

  111. What is the relation between korra and VISLAWATH

  112. What is the relation between Azmeera and Jadhav? and above mentioned that azmeera gotra was Vaditya but Actually Azmeera gotra was Mannavath ...

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Hi, Iam Raj kumar, can help me on one small question.

    We are from Vadithya surname, can we marry daaravaath girl and her gothram is Pithaavath.
